Frequently Asked Questions


What is the difference between a shop vac and a dust collector?
Unlike shop vacs, which use high suction and a narrow hose, dust collectors have low suction and a wide hose. Dust collectors have at least two stages, where larger particles are separated from smaller ones. This helps keep the motor from being bogged down by larger particles, which usually translates to a longer lifespan. Dust collectors are stationary, where shop vacs are portable units that can be moved from location to location. Shop vacs are a little better at spot cleaning, but they aren’t equipped to handle large volumes or dense materials. Brooms and compressed air might temporarily clear one surface, but they only end up pushing dust elsewhere in the facility – this is why an industrial vacuum system, either central or portable, is needed.
How many microns does a vacuum bag filter?
A HEPA filter is a high efficiency particulate air filter. It is designed to remove 99.97 percent of all particles that are 0.3 microns in size that pass through it.
Can vacuum HEPA filters be washed and reused?
No, filters cannot be washed and re-used. They must be replaced, but at DuroVac, planned obsolescence is the enemy and our products are designed for years of heavy-duty use before replacement is required.